Benefits of divorce lawyer

Are you looking for a law firm that will carry out a quick and inexpensive divorce for you with an experienced divorce lawyer? The lawyers at the law firm will be happy to help you submit your application for divorce. As part of the divorce, you can also take advice on all family law questions. Use your free initial assessment to get an overview of your options so that you know how best to proceed. Why you should hire the law firm for your divorce proceedings:

  • You can significantly reduce the divorce costs in many divorce proceedings.
  • Divorce can also be entirely free for you if you receive legal aid.
  • With an application for legal assistance, you can file for the divorce for you free of charge.
  • If you apply for divorce proceedings, you will take advice free of charge on all other family law issues.
  • You can significantly speed up the divorce proceedings for you.

Many clients want to get divorced as soon as possible. Of course, a quick divorce is only possible if all the divorce proceedings’ basics are met, mainly the information on pension equalization. You will help submit the documents for the divorce proceedings to the court as quickly as possible. Divorce is even possible within a few months.

The question of selling the house stood in the way of the agreement. You proposed a fair division and tried to take into account the economic interests of both sides equally. Take a lawyer, but found the solution so appropriate on this part that they were willing to sign an agreement on the consequences of the divorce right away. The divorce could then be carried out before the family court without any problems since there was no further dispute between the spouses. An agreement on the consequences of divorce is often the best way to settle disputes between the spouses in the long term, legally and cost-effectively for both sides.

You have already carried out many divorce proceedings in which the end of the year of separation was fulfilled exclusively by separation within the standard house or apartment. You can also help carry out your divorce proceedings quickly and successfully in such a case. 

Do You Need a Divorce Lawyer?

Many married couples ask themselves this question when there is a crisis in their marriage and divorce is imminent. Furthermore, the question arises as to whether each spouse needs their lawyer or whether a joint divorce lawyer is sufficient.

Spouses also wonder how to find a lawyer who is best suited to them. In individual cases, it may also happen that you want to change your lawyer. Perhaps the relationship of trust between lawyer and client is disturbed. Maybe the divorce lawyer does not regularly contact clients to inform them. There are many reasons for changing lawyers. 

 Is a divorce possible without a lawyer?

There are many unanswered questions when spouses deal with it for the first time regarding divorce. Many couples are unsure whether a lawyer is even needed for the divorce. This uncertainty and ignorance can also be found on the Internet. A lawyer is compulsory for proceedings of this kind.

The fact is that a lawyer is required in divorce proceedings. Since only one spouse has to file for divorce, at least one lawyer is also necessary for the process. The obligation to have a lawyer in Germany is also enshrined in law. In divorce and family law attorney Birmingham, the responsibility to have a lawyer is regulated. It says here that the spouses in matrimonial matters or ancillary matters and those involved in independent family disputes must be represented by a lawyer. There is no way around hiring at least one divorce attorney.