Can Physical Therapy Help Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Lawrenceville?

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS causes extreme fatigue and tiredness along with other symptoms. Often, CFS is sudden and accompanied by symptoms such as serious physical and mental exhaustion, short-term memory loss, sore throat, muscle pain, muscle weakness, and digestive issues. Mental or physical activity aggravates fatigue. While CFS is not completely curable, those who have medical conditions related to CFS need proper medical care that includes physical therapy. Physical therapy can effectively treat the symptoms of chronic fatigue Lawrenceville. A physical therapist will develop a mild exercise program for a sufferer. This program includes stretching and range of motion exercises that can be completed for a few minutes every day by inactive patients. The intensity of these exercises is slowly increased to help reduce a person’s sensitivity toward the exercises. 

Fatigue that does not go away after six months should be checked by a doctor. This strongly indicates chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition affects one’s ability to perform or complete their routine activities. The reason is that people with CFS tend to always feel weak and do not have the energy to perform tasks even if they get enough sleep. 

Managing CFS with Exercise

Through exercise therapy, a person with CFS develops tolerance and endurance for daily tasks. A physical therapist will evaluate the patient and suggest a graded exercise program. Exercise reduces adherence and helps build muscles. It includes squats, step-ups, and calf raises. When the strength of the patient has improved, they will complete a more structured exercise program to build their strength and endurance. The therapist will monitor the exercises the patient performs to ensure they achieve the results they desire. 

How Relaxation Exercise Helps

Through relaxation exercises, a patient breathes fresh air and performs musical aerobic exercises. This exercise can effectively increase dopamine levels and endurance. In turn, this improves motivation and focus. Therefore, it reduces the levels of cortisol, a stress-related hormone. 

Benefits of Manual Therapy

This type of therapy helps minimize the discomfort and irritation a person may feel in their nerves or musculoskeletal system. After they have minimal strain, the therapist will initiate an exercise program to improve endurance and strength.

Education for Patients with CFS

CFS can be complex with a lot of variables, which can change from one person to another. A therapist can teach a sufferer about strategies they can use for managing the impacts of their condition on their body. Particularly, this can help the patient conserve their energy, manage pain, and get a better sleep.