Leading Causes of Low Back Pain and Treatment Options

Your low back starts underneath your rib cage. As a result, you are at higher risk of developing a common problem like Westfield lower back pain. Remember that since the spine bears all the weight of the body’s upper region, it stresses the lumbar spine.

The lumbar spine assumes a curvature at its end, which is excellent for helping you maintain the right posture. Also, the curving of the lumbar spine at its end allows for the absorption of shocks when your body moves. However, the spinal curvature in your lower back leaves structures in that area more prone to forces of wear and tear.

That is why you are more susceptible to pain in the back’s lower region, especially during your advanced years. Below are some possible causes of pain in the low section of your back.

Constant straining of lower back structures

Your lower back or lumbar region has a lot of structures, including muscles and ligaments, that can strain or overstretch. You can abnormally stretch a muscle or ligament of your spine if you usually carry weight objects.

An abrupt movement, particularly when you fall, can also sprain your ligament or strain your muscle, leading to lumbago. Moreover, injuries caused by sporting activities and unhealthy posture can trigger pain in your lower back.

Problems affecting disks

Spinal discs or disks make vertebrae connected and separated. They are naturally excellent for restraining forces that can force dangerous lengthening or compression of your spine.

Spinal disks can fracture or protrude and thus press on nearby nerves. The force your spinal nerves are subjected to can lead to pain and discomfort. Furthermore, disk degeneration can make them less hydrated and healthy.

The degeneration of spinal disks and their loss of fluids can make them less resistant to external forces. As a result, even a small fall can cause a big fracture that triggers a painful condition in the lumbar region.

Structural complications and diseases of the spine

One of the common problems that can affect the skeletal system of the spine is spinal narrowing. The unnatural tight spaces between your spinal system force extra strain on the roots of your nerves and the spinal cord.

Inflammation of the spinal’s skeletal system and growths can also cause pain in the back’s lower section. Additionally, if hard deposits of minerals and salts get wedged in your ureters, it will generate an inflamed kidney. That can trigger pain at the bottom of the ribcage.

Treatment that can relieve pain in the lower back

A possible treatment solution your doctor can employ for relieving lower back pain is chiropractic care. Chiropractic treatments or care involve a qualified medical specialist directing gentle pressure on the musculoskeletal structures of your spine.

There are a variety of chiropractic techniques your health provider can implement, such as mobilization of your spine. For instance, spinal mobilization can relieve pressure from spinal joints and ligaments and improve nerve function.

Contact Eric Whitehouse, DC, today to learn more about the potential effective treatments for improving lower back pain.