Struggling With Headaches? Here Is What You Need to Know

Almost everyone has experienced a headache during their lifetime. However, while the headache often disappears eventually, the problem is much worse for some people. If you are lucky, you are not among the 17% of adults who struggle with severe, recurrent headaches. According to research statistics, around one in every twenty people experience headaches almost if not daily. If you are struggling with a headache Toms River that affects your ability to work or engage in routine activities, you should consult a medical professional for evaluation and treatment of the underlying condition.

What Are the Common Causes of Headaches?

Headaches can result from lots of different causes. While most headaches are caused by overactivity or physical issues in the head structures, some occur due to underlying medical conditions or stressors. Common causes of headaches include; Anxiety, stress, hangover, high blood pressure, panic attacks, concussion, dehydration, brain bleeding, overuse of pain medications, and teeth-grinding during sleep.

What Are the Different Types of Headaches?

Different types of headaches present varying symptoms and often require varying treatments. The common types of headaches include;

  1. Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are caused by muscle tension and stress in the head. This headache usually causes tension on the back or both sides of your head, and its severity increases shortly after onset.

  1. Cluster Headaches

These headaches frequently happen over several weeks or months and then go away for some years. Around a million people in the US experience cluster headaches. Cluster headaches usually cause sharp severe pain on one side of your head, normally confined behind the eyes.

  1. Migraines

Migraines are the most intense headaches that cause throbbing, debilitating pain on one side of the head. Research reveals that around twenty million Americans experience migraines, with a high percentage being women. A migraine is often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, light sensitivity, and vomiting. A migraine attack often leaves you feeling confused, drained, and washed up for hours.

When Should You Worry About a Headache?

Most of the headaches go away with time or home remedies. However, recurring, persistent, or severe headaches could be due to a deeper problem. Also, if your headache is accompanied by other symptoms such as confusion, fever, or neck stiffness, you should visit a medical professional immediately.

What Are the Available Treatment Options for Headaches?

Home remedies are sometimes effective in relieving mild headaches, but if the headaches are severe and frequent, more advanced treatment might be necessary. Before recommending the appropriate treatment, the doctor will evaluate your headache, medical history, and other accompanying symptoms. Depending on your diagnosis, your provider might recommend bed rest, over-the-counter painkillers, caffeine dosages, prescription medications, cold or hot compresses, and botulinum toxin injections in cases of migraines.

While headaches are often harmless, they can sometimes be a great nuisance to your functionality, lowering your quality of life. If you are experiencing severe or persistent headaches, consult your doctor for an examination. Your doctor will examine your condition and offer customized medications. Some medications relieve your pain during a headache attack, while others reduce or prevent the number of future headaches. The doctor will also help you identify and avoid your potential headache triggers.