The secret of area rugs:

Area rugs are the perfect way to create your own design room. They are a great choice for rooms that don’t get much traffic, as well as for busy spots like entryways and kitchen areas. Area rugs can be used in other rooms, too.

Area rugs come in all shapes and sizes:

Area rugs come in all shapes and sizes, so you will have no trouble finding one that suits your space perfectly. If you are unsure what size of rug is right for your space, try out different sizes and see which one works best for you. You can always add a colorful accent rug to finish off an area rug or make it a feature piece in its own right by pairing it with a solid-colored area rug.

Area rugs are a great way:

Area rugs  are a great way to add warmth and comfort to a room. This is especially true if you have hardwood floors, which can get worn down if used every day. But area rugs can also be used in rooms where there is no flooring at all, such as an office or bedroom.

Most popular choice:

Area rugs are the most popular home decorating choice for many people. They’re easy to care for and they can add warmth and style to any room.

Biggest advantage:

One of the biggest advantages of area rugs is their ability to hide dirt and stains. If you have pets or children, they may not always be able to clean up after themselves as well as they should. Area rugs will help make your floor look new again by absorbing spills, making them easier to sweep up when you need them cleaned.

In addition, many area rugs come with a warranty that guarantees against defects in materials or workmanship for a specified period of time. This means that if an area rug ever fails due to poor construction, you won’t have to pay out of pocket for repairs — it will be covered by the warranty!

Area rugs are great for home:

Area rugs are great for the home because they add a sense of warmth and comfort to any room. They are versatile, can be used in a variety of rooms and can be used indoors or outdoors. Area rugs come in all different shapes, sizes and colors.

The secret to having a successful area rug is know what type of flooring you need it to cover. The best way to do this is by using a color wheel.

Take an empty box or bowl, fill it with water and place your color wheel on top of it so that the larger area of the wheel covers most of the water (about half way). Then take some water and drop one drop at a time into each section on your color wheel until you see which areas match up the best together (reds go with reds, blues go with blues etc.).

Once you have matched up most of your colors together on your color wheel, look at how many different shades there are between them. You will notice that some shades overlap while others don’t quite match up with anything else. These are called “competing” colors because they compete against each other for attention when used in an area rug design!