Things To Consider Before Donating Eggs in San Diego

If you have no plans to get married or have a baby any time soon, freezing your eggs for the right time sounds like a very good idea. However, there are a lot of things that you need to consider before you decide to do it. It is quite unfortunate that as we age, the quality of eggs starts to deteriorate. This is why women in their 20s and 30s are starting to free their eggs. Visit this page for more information on san diego youreggs services. Meanwhile, let us take a look at the factors that should determine your decision.

The egg-freezing process:

The process of egg freezing is also known as mature oocyte cryopreservation. An interesting fact is that the process is all about harvesting your eggs till the right time comes for you to get pregnant. 

In terms of what the procedure is like, to gather your eggs, you will be given hormone injections for 10 days, similar to IVF preparation. These reproductive medicines encourage egg maturation, which is then painlessly extracted while sedated. The retrieval of approximately ten eggs is planned. When a pregnancy is desired, the eggs are thawed, and fertilized, and the resulting embryos are put in the uterus.

The cost of freezing:

While it is true that by freezing your eggs you are getting more time, the only disadvantage can be that the entire process is expensive. People usually have to spend between $10,000 and $20,000.

The side effects of the hormones and medications:

That’s right. There are side effects of taking hormone injections that will help you produce more eggs. Some of the common side effects are nausea, severe headaches, cramps as well as depression.

The egg retrieval process is risky:

Transvaginal ultrasonography aspiration using an aspiration needle is used to collect eggs. Although complications such as bleeding, infection, or organ damage are uncommon, it is critical to understand that egg retrieval carries the risks associated with any medical treatment.

Final thoughts:

Lastly, the final consideration might be that there is no guarantee you will get pregnant. Egg freezing increases the likelihood of future pregnancy but does not guarantee it. Egg quality, age, survival after thawing, and fertilization all play a role in success. It is not infallible fertility insurance, so understanding both benefits and limitations, as well as coping with potential emotional issues if it does not succeed is important.