Traditional vs. Modern: Why Edge Protection Scaffolding Is The Superior Choice

The construction business can be taxing. Besides city regulations, industry standards, and safety guidelines to adhere to, most owners have to choose equipment carefully. Cost, effectiveness, and use all play a crucial role in helping you determine the best solution for your work requirements. Edge protection scaffolding, for instance, versus guardrails—what is the better option here? Does innovative design make a difference in the field, or should you consider traditional alternatives?

At Tauranga Scaffolding, we specialise in providing our clients with innovative products to add value to every project. Request a quote from us today. With our industry expertise, we can give you professional advice on why edge protection scaffolding is always the superior choice. Below are the top reasons why you should choose Tauranga Scaffolding:

Increased Versatility

Our range of edge protection scaffolding is unique in that we offer clients equipment tailored to their specific needs. This provides you with incredible versatility over more traditional types of scaffolding. No two construction projects are alike, and often times, scaffolding is not as easily adaptable. But you can rest assured that our products are built to fit your environment. We also work towards providing solutions that are made for different types of terrain and even unpredictable weather conditions, as best we can. We work towards providing our clients with exceptional adaptability.

In addition to our comprehensive product selection, with complete customisation options available, we cater to any project size or complexity. Our time in this business has allowed us to work with a diverse range of clients on numerous projects that vary in complexity.

Improved Design 

In addition to designing and installing edge protection scaffolding according to your requirements, we also build them to withstand unpredictable weather. We ensure our products are made for better wind resistance, no matter what region your project is in, as we all know New Zealand can experience fluctuating wind conditions that change drastically. Depending on the region, our scaffolding can give you peace of mind, knowing that we prioritise your and your workers safety by reinforcing our designs to withstand strong winds.

Even though traditional types of scaffolding have served the construction industry in New Zealand well for a number of years, they have gaps that modern solutions can address. In this case, edge protection scaffolding differs from traditional guardrails by securing a much larger area. This is important because it covers a greater distance, decreasing the possibility of workers falling down and injuring themselves.

Additionally, while the time it takes for workers to move around equipment may seem inconsequential, it actually makes a difference. Access and movement can often be limited by traditional scaffolding design, but edge protection scaffolding offers a practical solution to improve workers’ performance and their mobility around a job site.

Professional Installation

One of the huge drawbacks of traditional scaffolding is that companies are usually expected to install and set it up themselves. While it may seem cheaper to just do it this way, it can also lead to project delays and the possibility of an accident on site due to not doing it properly. With Tauranga Scaffolding, not only will we customise your equipment to your needs, but we will also be on site to install it and ensure that it is compliant with industry regulations to avoid any injuries.

This means you’ll be able to maintain a neat and safe work site with designs that are built for this very purpose. Construction jobs can be messy, untidy, and an eyesore, leaving your stakeholders pushing for project completion. But with our range of edge protection scaffolding, your site will look as non-invasive as possible without compromising on effectiveness or safety.

[CTA] Tauranga Scaffolding is ready to provide you with superior safety barriers from our range of high-quality, dependable, and competitively priced edge protection scaffolding. We have worked in the construction industry for years, having supplied a number of clients and projects in the Bay of Plenty, Waikato, and Tauranga. Call us today to get your quote.