Which Treatments Fall Under Cosmetic Dentistry?  

A smile can create lasting impressions. A beautiful and brighter smile is a desire many people have. However, it might not be possible that you will always have a white and healthy smile. In such cases, cosmetic dentistry procedures can help achieve the smile you want. There are several cosmetic dentistry procedures you should be aware of. 

Awareness of such procedures can help you decide which cosmetic dentistry procedure is most suitable for you. You can also contact a humble cosmetic dentistry professional to learn more about the different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures. Below is a breakdown of all the cosmetic dentistry procedures you should know: 

  • Dental veneers 

Dental veneers have been the most known cosmetic dentistry procedures for many years. Dental veneers are generally fitted over the surface of the teeth. Veneers are made out of thin porcelain shells. When you get dental veneers, your dentist will gently file down your tooth’s enamel to take an impression. 

Once done, the impression will be sent to a lab for developing custom veneers for you. When custom veneers are made, your dentist will give you temporary ones. Dental veneers can be suitable for people looking to improve the color of their teeth and reduce staining, which would otherwise not get reduced due to bleaching. Veneers can also be ideal for people who want to treat fractured or chipped teeth. 

  • Teeth whitening 

You can consider teeth whitening if you do not want to get dental veneers. It can be likely for our teeth to develop a dark stain due to dark-colored eatables or drinks. Teeth whitening treatment can significantly improve the color of your teeth safely and effectively. You can visit the dentist for teeth whitening or consider at-home teeth whitening kits for convenience. 

  • Enamel bonding 

Enamel or dental bonding is a great way to treat chipped or stained teeth. A bonding material treats chipped and stained teeth, similar to dental fillings. The bonding material is moldable. Your dentist can shape the material for your teeth to improve fitting and comfort. 

The bonding material is generally made out of composite resin. People who want to cover cracks in their teeth or reduce discoloration can choose enamel bonding. It can help you change the shape of your teeth and make it more uniform. You should know that enamel bonding requires a replacement every four to eight years. 

  • Invisalign braces 

Invisalign braces can be suitable for people looking to achieve their desired smile. These braces are not visible. You can consider this option if you want to treat chronic headaches or misalignment between your teeth. Invisalign braces can be a comfortable option to straighten teeth. These braces use removable aligners, which make cleaning and maintenance easier.