In sleep dentistry [sedation dentistry or dental sedation] sedative is used to help patients stay relaxed and calm during dental procedures. It is a valuable technique that addresses the anxieties and discomfort majority of patients experience while seeking dental care. Sunnyvale sleep dentistry at Perio & Implant Center enhances dentalContinue Reading

Keratoconus is an eye illness that causes the cornea, the transparent dome-shaped front surface of the eye, to swell and become distorted. This degenerative illness generally damages both eyes and affects 50-200 people out of every 100,000.  Keratoconus patients frequently have hazy vision, distorted vision, night blindness, and light sensitivity.Continue Reading

There are various different joints in your body, and each joint plays a significant role in providing coordination and strength to move. When you suffer from joint pain, it can limit your ability to move and cause pain. Interruption in daily activities due to lack of range of motion canContinue Reading

If you are one of those people who spend countless hours in front of the mirror perfecting your brow, you must have given microblading a thought. but before we delve into the specifics of it, let’s understand what it is. Microblading at Florida Lakes Spa is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattooingContinue Reading

Home is the habitat of your habits and reflects who you are. It’s not always fancy interiors; sometimes, all it takes is just a little cleaning. Well, this is not something you’ve heard for the first time; we all want an immaculate house; the real challenge is taking the chargeContinue Reading