Fun Facts about Ultrasounds You Should Know

Ultrasound continues to be a fascinating technology in the healthcare industry due to its numerous applications. For years, healthcare facilities have been using ultrasound Lake Nona due to its effectiveness in examining a pregnant woman’s inner side. What else can you say about ultrasounds besides helping healthcare providers observe the inside of a client’s body? If you are unaware of this technology, feel free, as you can count on us when you need assistance. The following are some fun facts about ultrasounds you should know.

Ultrasounds Are Less Risky Diagnostic Procedure

The ultrasound specialists are well-skilled in applying the ultrasound machine securely and efficiently. The use of the proper intensity and power of the transducer prevents putting the patient at risk of further complications. Because an ultrasound machine applies sound waves at a low intensity, exposure to risk with ultrasound examinations is rare. Regarding radiation from CT scans and X-rays, ultrasounds are an efficient mechanism for particular exams since it is less risky.

There Are Numerous Types of Ultrasound Probes

There are approximately five types of probes or transducers: 3D/4D, convex, linear, cardiac, endocavitary, and transesophageal probes, and each has different applications. Doctors use linear probes to examine tiny structures like thyroid glands and blood vessels. Besides, convex transducers are responsible for examining deeper structures like the abdominal organs. Endocavitary are used for gynecology purposes such as examining fallopian tubes and ovaries. Finally, 3D/4D is applied to capture images of a specific area from varying sides, while cardiac probes are essential for cardiac examinations.

Ultrasounds Are Applicable in Therapeutics

Ultrasounds are commonly known for their application in monitoring fetal growth and pregnancy. However, they play significant roles in the therapeutic sector. For instance, healthcare providers can utilize them to address chronic pain by heating soft tissues, which theoretically enhances recovery and minimizes pain.

 Furthermore, the heating of soft tissues surges circulation to the region of the body where the ultrasound is being utilized. Unfortunately, using therapeutic ultrasounds is discouraged for open wounds, pregnant women, and near a pacemaker.

A Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound Cannot Lead to a Miscarriage

A transvaginal ultrasound is a form of ultrasound that doctors use during the initial stages of pregnancy. This period is when the baby’s body is still developing and is complex to detect via a normal ultrasound machine. Once you hear the baby’s heartbeat and identify the child during the initial five weeks, you can move the abdominal sonography. Therefore, if you are pregnant, healthcare providers assure your baby’s safety, as the procedure cannot cause a miscarriage.

Ultrasound is Not Applied to Observe the Baby’s Images

Several women assume there is no need for an ultrasound as the prenatal pelvic examination confirms the baby is growing properly and the heartbeat is healthy. Thus, they see no need to get an ultrasound. However, an ultrasound indicates more than the baby. For example, the healthcare provider can use it to examine the mother’s pelvic and uterus organs. The procedure helps to detect concerns, including formerly undiagnosed fibroid tumors, which could compromise the pregnancy if left untreated.

Ultrasound has proved to be a useful technology in several healthcare areas. You can consider it if you have therapeutic concerns such as tendonitis, shoulder pain, and joint tightness. Unfortunately, not everyone is a good candidate for it due to several factors, such as complications near a pregnant woman’s womb.

Therefore, you should immediately schedule an appointment with your nearby ultrasound technician to confirm your eligibility. After the procedure, you can return to your day-to-day activities instantly as it is painless and does not involve any side effects.