How Can You Benefit from Internal Medicine?

Internal medicine treats diseases affecting your internal organs and structures, including your stomach, heart, liver, and kidneys. You must seek a qualified internal medicine doctor to receive a precise diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Andrew Chow provides his patients with effective treatment and primary care to improve their overall health.

Dr. Chow is a double-certified physician who aims to deal with different medical complexities and deliver relief to his patients.

Benefits of internal medicine

The following are ways you can benefit from internal medicine.

Preventive care

Disease or illness prevention is one of the most powerful strategies you can take to enjoy good health. Preventive care involves many practices that avoid the occurrence or onset of a health condition. For example, to prevent diabetes or hypertension, you must mind your diet and physical activity levels. If you have a family history of certain health conditions, your specialist might recommend regular screenings for early detection.

Regular checkups are a major part of preventive care because they help you track your health. To understand your overall health, your doctor might check your vital signs, including heart rate and pulse, weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.  

Accurate diagnosis

An accurate diagnosis allows for the administration of effective treatment. If your doctor makes a wrong diagnosis, you will receive incorrect treatment, which might allow your condition to progress. If certain conditions go for a long time without treatment, they can cause adverse problems, which can be life-threatening. Internal medicine specialists have intensive training to diagnose various ailments using innovative technology.

After you discuss your symptoms with your specialist, they can conduct other tests, including blood tests or tissue biopsies, to identify the root of the problem. They can refer you to a specialist for expert treatment if they find a more complex issue.

Effective treatment

Since internal medicine doctors undergo extensive training, they can offer effective treatment options for your conditions. Your doctor can listen as you explain your symptoms and, because of their extensive education, can identify problem areas in your body. They will then proceed to conduct tests to confirm their suspicions.

Internal medicine practitioners can identify health conditions much faster than general medicine practitioners translating to effective treatment. Whether you have occasional digestive issues or a long-term condition like diabetes, your internal medicine doctor can offer a management strategy to alleviate your symptoms.

Effective communication

Since internal medicine doctors have extensive medical knowledge, they receive patients with different conditions. Some conditions might be mild, while others might be severe with complicated symptoms. Your internal medicine doctor will communicate effectively about your condition while offering treatment options that can benefit you.

Communication between a doctor and their patient needs to be transparent and honest. You should feel comfortable discussing your health condition with your primary healthcare provider.

If you have symptoms like chest pain or digestive issues, visit Triad Primary Care for treatment. The available team at the center will offer extensive diagnostic testing and personalized treatment. Call or schedule your appointment online and improve your overall health.