Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Sentiment using NetBaseQuid

 NetBaseQuid is a sentiment analysis tool that gives users feedback on the state of their online conversations. Categorization of information is done based on either being positive or negative. It also delivers actionable insights to help brands and agencies engage in more productive social media monitoring and analytics. NetBase’s patented technology understands the meaning of what people say, not just the words they use. The software generates an overall sentiment score for any given post, as well as individual scores for each word used in that post (i.e., “love”, “hate”). The software might even identify the influence of an individual commenter on a discussion.

Interpretation of Sentiment Analysis Results

Sentiment analysis software should be used to highlight the majority opinion towards a topic. It is not accurate enough to give you an exact percentage of how many people like or dislike something, but rather it gives you an idea of what people are saying about your product/service. For example, if there were mostly negative feedback on social media regarding your company’s new product release, this could mean that either the public was dissatisfied with its performance or they simply don’t like the change and think it would have been better for the old design to be available (this will warrant further research). Either way, sentiment analysis helps companies know what their audience thinks so that they can decide whether or not any changes need to be in place moving forward.

Tools should be used to highlight trends. If the analysis software reveals that there is a negative trend regarding the use of your company’s product, then this could mean that either people no longer find it useful or they feel misled and would like to receive something in return for their opinion. However, if there were mostly positive feedback on social media about the new design/product release, this means you’ve successfully improved.

Finally, the tools should be used to know when results are suspicious. For example, if somebody says “I love [your company]’s service”, but all other comments point towards discontentment with said service; these two sentiments do not add up and may warrant further investigation into whether the original commenter was attempting to mislead your company or if they are simply an outlier.

Application of Sentiment Analysis Information to meet Business Goals

When you have a sense of your audience’s feelings towards your business, it is easier to decide on the direction that needs to be taken. For example, if most people had negative feedback about the new design and product release (i.e., they think there should still be an option for users to choose between old and new), then maybe we need some sort of poll or questionnaire whereby consumers can voice their opinions. After all, who better knows what would make them happy than the consumer? This way, not only will the analysis help companies know where improvements can be made but also how they go about making those changes; e.g., via social media channels such as Facebook/Twitter pages.

It may seem like plenty more work at first, but having a better understanding of your audience and their thoughts about you as an organization makes it easier to engage with them in the future.

The analysis is helpful for companies who want to know what people think about them online, which can then be used to inform business decisions moving forward. This helps companies determine how they should respond when receiving feedback from consumers (e.g., via social media). Furthermore, sentiment analysis will help brands become more proactive rather than reactive. Since they now have insight into whether or not customers are happy or unhappy with their product/service offerings.