Top Reasons To Consider Dental Implants

Missing teeth can affect how you speak, smile, or chew. Also, missing teeth can negatively affect your self-confidence and quality of life. You may lose one or more teeth due to numerous factors, such as an infection, an accident, or dental decay. Fortunately, Apple Dental offers dental implants to replace your missing teeth and restore your smile.

Here are reasons why you should consider dental implants as your tooth replacement option.

Dental implants look like natural teeth

Dental implants are designed to mimic the appearance and function of natural teeth so they blend in seamlessly with your existing teeth. Plus, the implant post is made of titanium, which fuses with your jawbone, giving the implant the same stability as a natural tooth root. Also, they are custom-made to match the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth, ensuring they look and feel like they belong in your mouth.

They last a lifetime

Unlike dentures or bridges, which can wear down over time, dental implants are built to last for a long time. They are made of strong, biocompatible materials that fuse with the jawbone to create a stable foundation for the replacement tooth. Dental implants will last a lifetime if you take proper care of them like you would take care of natural teeth: by going to regular dental checkups and leading a healthy lifestyle.

You can eat everything you want

If you wear dentures or have loose or missing teeth, you may be restricted in what you can eat. For example, you may not be able to eat anything crunchy or chewy. With dental implants, there is no diet restriction as they are stable and durable. You may now enjoy a chewy apple or a tough steak!

They are Cost-effective

Dental implants may have a higher up-front cost than other tooth replacement options, but they are a worthwhile investment in the long run. They are more durable and require less maintenance than traditional options, so you will likely save money in the long term.

Dental implants improve your oral health

When you lose a tooth, the teeth around it may move to cover the space, which can cause misalignment and increase your risk of developing gum disease and dental decay. Contrarily, dental implants offer a solid framework for replacement teeth, assisting in preserving your remaining original teeth. This may enhance your overall dental health.

Dental implants require little care

Dental implants are simple to maintain since they need the same care as natural teeth, such as flossing, brushing twice daily, routine dental checkups, and visits to the dentist. Most folks think implants do not need to be cleaned because they are comprised of materials that are not biological. However, this is not the actual reality. Without proper care, dental implants can build tartar, plaque, infections, and gum disease, just like natural teeth do.

If you have missing teeth, dental implants are a great tooth replacement solution. They are durable, look and feel like natural teeth, and can improve oral health and boost confidence. Additionally, they require little maintenance and can last a lifetime.

Call Apple Dental to book your appointment for dental implants.