Wave Curtains—An Overview To Wave Sizes & Fabric Types

If you’re going to renovate your house, why not prefer installing unique window dressings? This is one of the simplest, easiest, and most affordable ways to transform the overall look of your home and make it appear elegant.

As the market is flooded with a huge range of curtain headers, choosing the perfect one can be very difficult. Wave is the latest header on the curtain that is widely known for its minimalistic finish and contemporary aesthetic. . wave curtains, without a doubt, are a sophisticated and smart option for a modern home. The track of these curtains gives you S wave folds from one of the windows to another. Wave curtains come in different fabrics such as elegant faux silks, light linens, and glare-preventing sheers and voiles.

The Standard Wave Sizes

There are two standard sizes for the waves: 60mm and 80mm. Waves of 60mm are shallower and they require little space for projection from the wall. As a result, they give many waves across the curtain’s fabric. Gliders on a 60mm wave are spaced 6cm apart.

Waves of 80mm are deeper and they require more space for projection from the wall. As a result, they create fewer waves within the fabric. Gliders on an 80mm wave are spaced 8cm apart.

80mm Or 60 Mm Wave: Which One You Should Consider?

Well, choosing between any one of the two depends upon your needs and personal preferences. If you have limited space, you can consider installing wave curtains with a 60mm wave size. On the contrary, if you want to get the slimmest stack back, you can consider an 80mm-wave.  Likewise, if you want to let in sunlight as much as possible, 80mm could be the better option. Wave curtains with 60mm wave size will fit best on smaller windows.

What Are The Standard Stackback Dimensions For A Wave Curtain?

On an 80mm-wave, an approximate stackback dimension is 18cm per meter and 23cm per meter on a 60 mm-wave.

What Does It Mean By Hook Spacing?

The fullness of the wave and the amount of the fabric is determined by hook spacing. It is either 10 or 12 on a 60mm wave, with 12 giving the fullest curtain and 14 or 16 on an 80mm-wave.

Which Curtain Wave Is More Popular?

As 80mm creates a large wave. Therefore, it is the most popular size to be considered.

Can Wave Curtains Come In Any Fabric?

Actually no! Unlike other window dressings, few of the fabrics are not ideal for hanging as wave top curtains. Why? The fabric needs to create the right wave pattern and be able to drape well. So never choose heavier fabrics for these curtains. Instead, consider voile, cotton, and some silks.

Wave curtains, without a doubt, are a popular and unique window covering that looks good everywhere. Due to their minimalist and sleek effect, they can match every décor be it modern or traditional. As these window dressings maximize the amount of light entering inside, they are ideal for the areas where daylight is at a premium